Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Henna Tattoo by Miracle Beauty Salon

Here some perfect advice for those who love to designs a henna tattoo anytime, which given by our professional team, at Miracle BeautySalon.


Henna Tattoo is such a beautiful art, but did you know there's a science behind it too? A fresh natural henna stain evolves as it reacts with your skin, and it morphs from a crusty paste into a rich orange/red/brown/berry stain. 

Dying skin with henna leads to a variety of colours from orange through to very dark brown (almost black) depending on the part of the body decorated. 

As soon as the henna is applied to the skin, it will begin to dry. The paste will crack as it dries, and when it starts to crack, that is when you can cover the tattoo with a mixture of lemon and sugar. 

Henna tattoos are perfect for summertime. Because henna tattoos are best things for parties and for special occasion or else you do any time when you want. It is quite simple and making you happy.

The method you use to remove the henna will greatly determine how dark the design gets and how long it lasts. Don’t use the water to washing off henna paste. Instead use olive oil, or vegetable oil, or even essential oil. Grab the cotton ball and rubbing the paste very wisely. After you remove the henna, be aware that the design will continue to darken over the next 10-12 hours.

In the early stages of your tattoo, water is the enemy. For at least the first day, stay away from it! So that you don’t have to washing dishes or don’t cleanse of your hair while your designs sets that day. Also in the beginning, avoid tasks that will be abrasive on your hands like gardening and wearing gloves.

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